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What Are You Dreaming?

What are You Dreaming?
led by Laura Hileman, M.A., M.S.

In this time of increasing crisis and instability, what are you dreaming? We know that our nightly dreams wake us up to our personal individuation process. Jeremy Taylor writes that our dreams generate creativity and wholeness on collective levels, too: they mirror society as a whole, as well as our relationship to it. Furthermore, he claims that our dreams, and our conscious dreamwork, “foster and reflect the evolution of human consciousness.”

This possibility offers a wild hope in a time of looming despair. Join Laura Huff Hileman, a Jungian-oriented dreamworker, for a conversation about the power of dreams in personal and collective individuation, then join a breakout group for optional sharing of your own dreams. We’ll conclude with a creative exercise to deepen your own dreamwork practice.

Laura Huff Hileman, M.A., M.S., is a Jungian-oriented dreamworker and spiritual director, formerly on the board of the Nashville Jung Circle. She trained at The Haden Institute, where she now mentors in the Dreamwork Program. Since 2000 she has facilitated dream groups and individual dreamwork through her practice, Fire by Night. She lives and works in Jonesborough, TN, where she enjoys family, mountains, and new challenges in dreamwork as a resilience resource for environmental activists. Be in touch at and